1. 工程结构抗震
2. 地震工程
1. 参与科研项目
[1] 震后功能可恢复桥梁结构新体系与设计理论,国家自然基金重点项目
[2] IX度烈度区(功东高速公路)常规桥梁抗震减震关键技术研究
2. 代表性成果获奖
3. 代表性论文
[1] Jian Zhou, Akira Igarashi. An algorithm for spectrally matching bi-directional ground motions to a target RotD100 spectrum while maintaining the radial spectral acceleration pattern. Earthquake Spectra. 2023. (SCI, Q1)
[2] Jian Zhou, Jianzhong Li, Yu Shen. Quasi-static testing of railway rounded rectangular hollow tall piers having semi-hinged column-base details. Engineering Structures. 2022; 250, 113403. (SCI, Q1)
[3] Yu Shen, Jianzhong Li, Fabio Freddi, Akira Igarashi, Jian Zhou. Numerical investigation of transverse steel damper (TSD) seismic system for suspension bridges considering pounding between girder and towers. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2022; 155, 107203. (SCI, Q1, 通讯)
[4] 周建, 李建中. 铁路圆端形空心墩位移能力与等效塑性铰长度分析. 铁道科学与工程学报. 2019. (EI)
[5] Jian Zhou, Akira Igarashi. RotD100 target spectral compatible bi-directional ground motions: effects on orientation dependence and structural response. Istanbul, Turkey, April 2023, IABSE Symposium.
[6] Jian Zhou, Akira Igarashi. Effects of orientation angle of spectrum-compatible bi-directional ground motions on nonlinear seismic response of bridge piers considering progressive damage process. Delft, The Netherlands, July 2023, EURODYN.
[7] Jian Zhou, Akira Igarashi. Algorithm for generating elastic and constant ductility response spectral compatible artificial accelerograms using equivalent linear displacement spectrum. December 2021, Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering 2021 Annual Conference.
[8] Jian Zhou, Akira Igarashi. Response spectral matching of bi-directional horizontal ground motion to orientation-independent spectrum. Kyoto, September 2022, JSCE 2022 Annual Meeting.
[9] 蒋湘平, 沈禹, 李建中, 周建, 徐晨. 墩身惯性力对墩底地震剪力的影响及计算方法. 振动工程学报. 2021. (EI)
4. 代表性专利
[1] 震适用于减小地震作用下桥墩,承台与基础受力的半铰构造,周建、邓治国、李建中、解卫江、肖耀辉,专利号:ZL 2019 2 0651362.5 2020.03.13(第一发明人,已授权).