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发布时间:2024年04月13日 17:30    作者:    编辑:隧道系  审核:  浏览次数:













(1) 国家自然科学基金,2005-2007,寒区埋地式油气管道计算理论与设计研究,负责人,结题。

(2) 国家自然科学基金,2010-2012,寒区埋地管道冻害预报与优化设计研究,负责人,结题。

(3) 国家自然科学基金,2016-2019复杂条件下块石路基的环境适应性及对策研究,负责人,结题。

(4) 国家自然科学基金,青藏高原道路多年冻土边坡灾变机理与防治技术研究,2023-2026,负责人,在研。

(5) 国家自然科学基金(重点)2023-2027,青藏高原多年冻土与沙漠化互馈关系研究, 负责人(课题),在研。

(6) 国家自然科学基金创新群体,2012-2014,青藏高原冻土工程走廊构筑物相互作用研究,骨干,结题。

(7) 科技部“973”项目,构筑物与冻土地基热、力耦合作用的动力学过程,2012-2016,骨干,结题。












(1) Qiu, K., Yu, W*., Lu, Y., et al.. Study on the geothermal environment of urban building in permafrost regions of Northeast China. 2023,Journal of Building Engineering, 107919.

(2) Chen, L., Yu, W.B*., Zhang, T.Q., et al.. Asymmetric talik formation beneath the embankment of Qinghai-Tibet Highway triggered by the sunny-shady effect. Energy.2023:266:126472.  

(3) Zhang, T.Q., Yu, W.B*, Lu Y.,et al. Identification and Correlation Analysis of Engineering Environmental Risk Factors along the Qinghai–Tibet Engineering Corridor, Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(4): 908.

(4) Yu W.B., Yi X., Han F.L., et al. Study on the Geometric Parameters of Elbow Ventiduct Embankment in Permafrost Regions along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor, Cold Regions Science and Technology,  182 2021, 1-8.

(5) Chen L., Yu W.B.*, Han F.L., et al. Effects of desertification on permafrost environment of in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Environmental Management. 2020, 262:1-8 May.

(6) Yu W.B., Zhang T.Q., Lu Y.,et al..Engineering risk analysis in cold regions: state of the art and perspectives. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 171:1-18.

(7) Yu W.B., Lu Y., Hang F.L. ,et al... Dynamic process of the thermal regime of a permafrost tunnel on Tibetan Plateau. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2018, 71:159-165.

(8) Yu W.B., Liu W.B., Chen L.,et al.. Evaluation of cooling effects of crushed rock under sand-filling and climate warming scenarios on the Tibet Plateau. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 92: 130-136.

(9) Yu W.B., Han F.L.,Yi X. et al. . Cut-slope icing prevention: Case study of the seasonal frozen area of western China. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering.2016,30(3).

(10)     Yu W.B., Han F.L.,Liu W.B. et al., Geohazards and Thermal Regime Analysis of Oil Pipeline along the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Engineering Corridor, Natural Hazards, 2016,83:193-209.

(11)     Liu W.B., Yu W.B*., Yi X., et al. Thermal regime of frozen soil foundation affected by concrete base of transmission line tower on the Tibetan Plateau. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015,75,950-957.

(12)     Yu W.B., Liu W.B., Lai Y.M., et al., Nonlinear Analysis of Coupled Temperature-Seepage Problem of Warm Oil Pipe in Permafrost Regions of Northeast China. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014,70(1): 988-995.

(13)     Yu W.B. Lai Y.M Zhang X.F. et al.. Experimental studies on the ripped-rock revetment embankment in permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet railroad. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2006, 45(1):1-7.

(14)     Yu W.B, Lai,Y.M. Bai W.L. et al.. Icing problems on road in Da Hinggangling forest region and prevention measures .Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2005, 42(1), 79-88.

(15)     Yu W.B. Lai Y.M Zhang X.F. et al.. Experimental Study on the Ventiduct Embankment in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Railroad. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 2005, 19(2), 52-60.

(16)     Yu W.B. Lai Y.M Zhang X.F. et al., Laboratory Investigation on Cooling Effect of Coarse Stone Layer and Fine Stone Layer in Permafrost Regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2004, 38(1), 31-42.

(17)     Yu W.B. Lai Y.M., Zhu Y.L., et al.. In-situ Determination of Mechanical Properties of Frozen Soils with the Pressuremeter. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2002, 34(3), 179-189.



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